Deze privacyverklaring is voor het laatst bijgewerkt op oktober 3, 2021 en is van toepassing op burgers en wettelijk permanente inwoners van de Europese Economische Ruimte en Zwitserland.
In deze privacyverklaring leggen we uit wat we doen met de gegevens die we via over u verkrijgen. We raden u aan deze verklaring aandachtig te lezen. In onze verwerking voldoen we aan de vereisten van privacywetgeving. Dat betekent onder andere dat:
Wij ontvangen of verzamelen mogelijk persoonsgegevens voor een aantal doeleinden die verband houden met onze bedrijfsvoering, waaronder de volgende:
Voor dat doel gebruiken wij de volgende persoonsgegevens:
Na het verlenen van toestemming.
We bewaren deze data enkel totdat de dienstverlening is beëindigd.
Voor dat doel gebruiken wij de volgende persoonsgegevens:
Na het verlenen van toestemming.
We bewaren deze data enkel totdat de dienstverlening is beëindigd.
We delen of geven deze gegevens alleen aan verwerkers voor de volgende doeleinden:
Onze website maakt gebruik van cookies. Voor meer informatie over cookies verwijzen wij u naar ons Cookiebeleid.
We hebben met Google een Verwerkersovereenkomst gesloten.
Beveiliging van persoonsgegevens is voor ons van groot belang. Wij nemen passende beveiligingsmaatregelen om misbruik van en ongeautoriseerde toegang tot persoonsgegevens te beperken. Zo zorgen wij dat alleen de noodzakelijke personen toegang hebben tot uw gegevens, dat de toegang tot de gegevens afgeschermd is en dat onze veiligheidsmaatregelen regelmatig gecontroleerd worden.
Deze Privacyverklaring heeft geen betrekking op websites van derden waar naar wordt verwezen via links op deze websites. We garanderen niet dat deze websites uw persoonsgegevens op een betrouwbare en veilige manier behandelen. We raden u aan om de privacyverklaringen van deze websites te lezen voor u gebruik maakt van deze websites.
Wij behouden ons het recht voor om wijzigingen aan te brengen in deze privacyverklaring. Het verdient aanbeveling om deze privacyverklaring geregeld te raadplegen, zodat u van deze wijzigingen op de hoogte bent. Bovendien zullen wij u waar mogelijk ook actief op de hoogte brengen.
Als u vragen heeft of wilt weten welke persoonlijke gegevens we over u hebben, neem dan contact met ons op. U kunt contact met ons opnemen via de onderstaande gegevens. U heeft de volgende rechten:
Als u niet tevreden bent met de manier waarop wij omgaan met (een klacht over) de verwerking van uw persoonsgegevens, heeft u het recht om een klacht in te dienen bij de Autoriteit Persoonsgegevens.
Egstraat 8
2491 Olmen
Telefoonnummer: +32 499 05 08 05
This website uses the Privacy Suite for WordPress from Complianz to collect records of consent. For this functionality your IP address is anonymized and stored in our database. For more information, see the Complianz Privacy Statement.
If you use Forminator PRO to create and embed any forms on your website, you may need to mention it here to properly distinguish it from other forms.
By default Forminator captures the IP Address for each submission to a Form. Other personal data such as your name and email address may also be captured, depending on the Form Fields.
Note: In this section you should include any personal data you collected and which form captures personal data to give users more relevant information. You should also include an explanation of why this data is needed. The explanation must note either the legal basis for your data collection and retention of the active consent the user has given.
By default Forminator retains all form submissions forever. You can change this setting in Forminator » Settings » Privacy Settings
All collected data might be shown publicly and we send it to our workers or contractors to perform necessary actions based on the form submission.
If your forms utilize either built-in or external third party services, in this section you should mention any third parties and its privacy policy.
By default Forminator Forms can be configured to connect with these third parties:
Google reCAPTCHA. Enabled when you added reCAPTCHA on your forms.
We use Google reCAPTCHA for spam protection. Their privacy policy can be found here :
If you use Forminator PRO to create and embed any polls on your website, you may need to mention it here to properly distinguish it from other polls.
By default Forminator captures the IP Address for each Poll submission for spam protection and to set voter limitations.
In this section you should note what personal data you collected including which polls are available. You should also explan why this data is needed. Include the legal basis for your data collection and note the active consent the user has given.
By default Forminator retains all votes and its IP address forever. You can change this setting in Forminator » Settings » Privacy Settings
All collected data might be shown publicly and we send it to our workers or contractors to perform necessary actions based on votes.
If your polls utilize either built-in or external third party services, in this section you should mention any third parties and its privacy policy.
By default Forminator Polls can be configured to connect with these third parties:
If you use Forminator PRO to create and embed any quizzes on your website, you may need to mention it here to properly distinguish it from other quizzes.
By default Forminator captures NO Personally Identifiable Information for each Quiz submission.
In this section you should note what personal data you collected including which quizzes are available. You should also explain why this data is needed. Include the legal basis for your data collection and note the active consent the user has given.
By default Forminator retains all quizzes answers and forever. You can change this setting in Forminator » Settings » Data
All collected data might be shown publicly and we send it to our workers or contractors to perform necessary actions based on answers.
If your quizzes utilize either built-in or external third party services, in this section you should mention any third parties and its privacy policy.
By default Forminator Quizzes can be configured to connect with these third parties:
This website uses Google Analytics to track website traffic. Collected data is processed in such a way that visitors cannot be identified.
Which modules collect personal data?
If you use Hustle to create and embed any Pop-up, Embed, Slide-in, or Social share module, you may need to mention it here to properly distinguish it from other plugins.
By default, Hustle captures the IP Address for each conversion and for each view only if the “tracking” functionality is enabled. Other personal data such as your name and email address may also be captured, depending on the form fields.
Note: In this section you should include any personal data you collected and which form captures personal data to give users more relevant information. You should also include an explanation of why this data is needed. The explanation must note either the legal basis for your data collection and retention of the active consent the user has given.
By default Hustle retains all form submissions and tracking data forever. You can delete the stored data in Hustle » Settings » Privacy Settings, and under each module’s settings.
All collected data might be shown publicly and we send it to our workers or contractors to perform necessary actions based on the form submission.
If your forms use either built-in or external third party services, in this section you should mention any third parties and its privacy policy.
By default Hustle optionally use these third party integrations:
reCAPTCHA. Enabled when you activate and setup reCAPTCHA on non-Social sharing modules.
We use reCAPTCHA to protect your website from fraud and abuse. Their privacy policy can be found here :
By default Hustle uses cookies to count how many times each module is visualized. Cookies might be used to handle other features such as display settings, used when a module should not be displayed for a certain time, whether the user commented before, whether the user has subscribed, among others, if their related settings are enabled.
Hummingbird uses the Stackpath Content Delivery Network (CDN).
Stackpath may store web log information of site visitors, including IPs, UA, referrer, Location and ISP info of site visitors for 7 days.
Files and images served by the CDN may be stored and served from countries other than your own. Stackpath’s privacy policy can be found here.
Note: Smush does not interact with end users on your website. The only input option Smush has is to a newsletter subscription for site admins only. If you would like to notify your users of this in your privacy policy, you can use the information below. Smush sends images to the WPMU DEV servers to optimize them for web use. This includes the transfer of EXIF data. The EXIF data will either be stripped or returned as it is. It is not stored on the WPMU DEV servers. Smush uses the Stackpath Content Delivery Network (CDN). Stackpath may store web log information of site visitors, including IPs, UA, referrer, Location and ISP info of site visitors for 7 days. Files and images served by the CDN may be stored and served from countries other than your own. Stackpath’s privacy policy can be found here.
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gemaakt met ❤ door Leon Moris van Joy.